The Following is an old newspaper article that appeared in the Glenville Newspaper, if anyone thinks they know the date of it, please let us know.
Out!" yells Umpire as Northview Gang gets Going
"Strike three!" You're out!" yells the umpire to a young lady in slacks who protest violently, "You can't put me out. That ball was too close. It almost knocked my head off!" She throws the bat down. "Next batter up," brings a more experienced young man. He hits a home run. "Hurrah for our side."
That's a kitten ball game going on up Northview way (Northview is just a short distance from Glenville). If one happened to look to the new neighbor's home (Bodkin's) he would see in their yard a group of boys and girls of all ages yelling, batting, pitching and umpiring a rough and tough ball game. The umpire is usually Bob Arnold but when he decides he wants to bat, Dick Satterfield takes his place. Just anyone will do. Dick Satterfield while batting once, broke one of Bodkins' windows. It WOULD be best for him to umpire.
"First batter up" starts the game off with a knock. That's the Northview Gang "getting warmed up" for an all evening game. The players usually consist of: Bob Arnold, Bob Hardman, Ola Satterfield, Verona Lee Hess, Verna Dean Ellis, Dick Satterfield, "Snook" Bodkin, Carolyn Hull, Betty Bodkin, Mary Anne Ellis, Lucille Hardman, Jean Arnold, Don Porter, the Frymier boys, Johnny Ocheltree, Mr. Wilt, Edna and Harold Stuart, Betty Rose Hardman, June and Ann Miller, Mary Walters and at times some visitors.